Algorithms and Data Structures ADS103 is a core subject under the degree of Diploma of Software Engineering taught at Torrens University Australia.
The subject will help students learn the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms which will be required to solve common software engineering problems. The subject Algorithms and Data Structures ADS103 is a combination of multiple assessments which help students learn how to design, develop, implement, test, and enhance the collection of algorithms and data structures.
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An algorithm is a set of instructions that are to be carried about in order to solve a problem. An Algorithm is the foundation of every computer program that produces a result. Algorithms, on the other hand, aren't simply for computer programs; they may also be used to solve mathematical issues and in a variety of other situations. Algorithms can be classified into several types based on how they work. Let's look at a few of the most essential ones-
Recursive Algorithm
Divide and Conquer Algorithm
Dynamic Programming Algorithm
Greedy Algorithm
Brute Force Algorithm
Backtracking Algorithm
A data structure is a type of storage that is used to organize and store data. It is a method of organizing data on a computer system so that it may be easily accessible and modified by the developer.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a computer programming paradigm that organizes software engineering design around data or objects instead of functions and logic. In object-oriented programming, the object is defined as data that has unique characteristics and behavior.
Pointers are the datatype whose value is the address of another variable i.e direct address of the memory location.
The ability of an object to take on many forms is known as Polymorphism. Polymorphism can be used in any situation where there is a group of similar but still distinctly
different data types. For example, it can be used to manage a user interface system where all text boxes, buttons, drop-down lists, etc., are very different controls but still live under the idea of user control. Being able to generalize your data types enough to group them will create shorter and easier code to test in the long run.
Binary Search Trees is considered as a data structure made up of nodes such as Linked List. These nodes are either null or include references to other nodes (links). These 'other' nodes are called a left node and a right node, respectively. Values are assigned to nodes. These values decide where they'll go in the Business Search Tress.
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The root node has a minimum value The root node has a maximum value of each node is equal to or greater than its parent node Value of each node is equal to or less than its parent node
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a) To tackle software engineering challenges, find and use appropriate algorithms.
b) To solve software engineering challenges, identify and use appropriate data structures.
c) Demonstrate understanding of fundamental object-oriented programming ideas by applying them.
d) Create and maintain methods and classes to control code complexity.
e) Use the relevant applications to demonstrate an understanding of recursive algorithms.
f) Demonstrate the ability to read and analyze moderately complicated code, explain its purpose, and debug for syntax and logic flaws in a systematic manner.
This assessment focuses on the use of classes and inheritance to solve software design problems, requiring you to grow and demonstrate your understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP) fundamentals. Inheritance is a powerful way to modularise your code, further allowing for easy testing and reuse.
Further, you will apply your knowledge of the concepts and management of data and memory to the building of a linked list, a key data structure used as a base for many containers in use today.
These are fundamental skills required by the software engineering industry.
To complete this assessment task, you must build solutions to the two problem tasks. Ensure that:
Code is well documented with comments.
Class, function, and variable names follow the naming conventions set by the learning facilitator.
Code is indented and broken down into smaller functions and files which will improve clarity and improve testing.
Any third-party code should be appropriately attributed to the creator or original source.
This first program will simulate a battle between Role Playing Game (RPG) characters. You'll need to take classes to represent the different kinds of characters, and those classes will inherit common features from a base class, reducing redundancy.
Refer to the below class diagram for guidance:
Write your own custom LinkedList class and a program to create and run a variety of performance tests on LinkedList objects.
Implement the sorting algorithm and C++ Standard Library tasks below to demonstrate your understanding of the development and utilization of important algorithms and data structures. The two tasks below seek to examine your conceptual and practical understanding of some key algorithms and data structures.
Task 1 focuses on comparing the performance of sorting algorithms against each other, and the impact of the data's ordering on performance. You likely won't need to implement many searching algorithms in the industry but crafting them yourself will give you firsthand practical experience in seeing which types of algorithms perform better under different types of conditions. As a software engineer, you will need to create algorithms here and there to solve unforeseen problems; therefore, familiarity with multiple approaches will help.
Task 2 focuses on utilizing pre-built data structures from the C++ Standard Library to store and retrieve sets of data. In any given coding language, there are likely to be existing container structures. You will practice with some common ones used in C++, but the use of these containers is similar in approach in most languages.
Implementing the two tasks below will demonstrate your understanding of binary search trees (BST), max heaps, polymorphism, and how to practically apply this knowledge to solve complex problems in the software engineering space.
Task1 populates three different data structures list (C++ Standard Library linked list
implementation), a binary search tree, and a balanced BST of your choice (Adelson-Velsky and Landis Tree (AVL) or red-black tree) and compares their search times against each other. In theory, a binary search tree should be able to output perform a linked list for searching on large data sets, and a balanced binary search tree even more so. But is this true in all circumstances? Is there a clear winner?
Task2 asks you to delve into a more complicated aspect of object-oriented programming,
polymorphism. To show this level of understanding, you will need to implement a class hierarchy and max heap data structure to house 10 or more employees, sorted with the highest salary on the top.
Polymorphism allows you to conveniently group similar but different objects together, amongst other benefits.
This task's goal is to explore the uses of a max heap with polymorphic data. You will implement a system to store different types of employees and retrieve the highest paid from the top.
It is essential that you use the appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here:
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